Reality Transurfing Steps I-V by Vadim Zeland
Reality Transurfing Steps I-V by Vadim Zeland offers a comprehensive model for understanding how reality works and how individuals can consciously navigate and transform their lives. Below is a summary of the core principles and concepts from the five steps:
Step 1: The Space of Variations
Key Concept: Reality exists as an infinite field of possibilities called the "space of variations." Every potential event, circumstance, or outcome exists here.
Pendulums: Collective thought structures (e.g., societal norms, ideologies) that drain energy from individuals and control their behavior. Avoid getting emotionally attached to pendulums.
Goal: Gain awareness of pendulums and reduce their influence by not feeding them with your energy.
Practical Tip: Observe situations without excessive emotional involvement. Be an impartial witness.
Step 2: The Wave of Fortune
Key Concept: Positive life events come in waves. Aligning yourself with the flow of life helps you ride these waves, creating a favorable reality.
Balancing Forces: When you place excessive importance on something, it triggers balancing forces that disrupt your intentions.
Goal: Reduce importance to maintain balance and avoid unnecessary resistance.
Practical Tip: Treat both success and failure with neutrality. Lower the emotional stakes of your desires.
Step 3: Forward to the Past
Key Concept: Reality reflects your inner world. Your thoughts and feelings project outward and shape your experiences.
Slides: Mental imagery or constructs you create to envision your ideal reality. These slides can be consciously crafted to align with your goals.
Goal: Use positive slides to manifest your desired outcomes while avoiding negative or fear-based imagery.
Practical Tip: Visualize your ideal reality as if it’s already real. Focus on the feelings associated with achieving your goals.
Step 4: The Ruling Reality
Key Concept: You are the observer and creator of your reality. The outer world mirrors your inner state.
The Principle of Coordination: Even negative events can be turned into opportunities if approached with a positive mindset.
Goal: Maintain awareness and choose how to react to circumstances, knowing you are in control of your reality.
Practical Tip: Stay calm and centered, even in challenging situations. Look for the hidden advantages in every event.
Step 5: Apples Fall to the Sky
Key Concept: Reality aligns with your intentions when you act with clarity and decisiveness, free from doubt or hesitation.
Outer Intention: A state of harmony with the universe where your desires manifest effortlessly.
Goal: Cultivate a state of inner calm and trust, allowing outer intention to work in your favor.
Practical Tip: Focus on the end result, not the process. Let go of the “how” and trust the universe to handle the details.
Core Practices Across All Steps
Awareness: Observe your thoughts, emotions, and reactions without judgment.
Energy Management: Avoid wasting energy on pendulums or excessive importance.
Visualization: Use positive slides to project your desired reality into the space of variations.
Letting Go: Release attachment to outcomes and trust the flow of life.
Action: Take purposeful steps aligned with your intentions, while remaining flexible to changes.
Keywords: law of assumption, Nevil Godard, new earth, awakening
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