Farm Restoration - Mission started August 2022 - present
Shaping The Future
Tiny Homes
natures finest community living,
lifestyle & luxury.
Tiny Home Ahimsa - to establish a Pure irrevocable Common Law Trust that recruits local farmers and people to be re-skilled on how to produce Ahimsa (organic) milk products. The 8 week on site training also promotes optimal living, self sufficiency and sustainable solutions for your: body, mind, spirit & soul. The below is a sample of our messaging.
Ahminsa Wellness Consciousness
Farming, Water, Shelter
Health & Wellness
Money & Currency
Natural Law & Dispute Resolution
Knowledge & Learning
Spiritual connection
Your Secret Sauce
Ahimsa Milk Produce & Production
Natural Lore & Resolution
Prep & Storage & Production
Milk, Creme Butter
Yogurt & Cheese
Jams & Pastries
Jars & Storage
Soap & Sanitization
Promotional Process
Networking, CRM & Post Sales
Ahimsa Way Of Life
No Slaughter
No False Idols
Natural Law
Do no harm
Self Defence Principle
* Ahimsa Certified & Promoted
After the 8 week course you 'graduate' and become Ahimsa certified so you can take your eco community skills, and your caravan, to local farmers where there is a high demand for that local area. The marketing is already done; its already taken care of for you, all you need to do is work your magic and create the goods.
The Ahimsa Way
Leaving the Matrix, the material world
No Rulers, Do No Harm
Importance of structured water -
ALL vaccines are harmful -
The Co-op
Cow produces milk, milk produces products, products create community, community ignites currency and well being.
Sheena - international traveler with 25+ digital marketing and entrepreneur experience, and investigative journalism of creating the New Earth on a farm.
Assistance on the farm with: cooking, cleaning and helper to Tatiana.
a humanitarian creating the new Earth
LOOKING FOR - native on a farm practicing self sufficiency through cow production. Organic farmer, garden to plate style cooking, expert at: alchemizing milk to: cream, butter, cheese, and sweet and savory delights.
Interested in creating a new economy, using organic products and man made, human-to-human services.
an organic farmer who embodies his natural rights
The Wants, Needs & Vision
Wanted - a farmer with a big house / land for a cow and plenty of space for a industrial kitchen milk production.
Wanted - a farmer with an interest in investing FIAT currency into new business opportunities, community creation and product generation for the New Earth initiatives.
Needs - shelter in a home with extra rooms or onsight camper van
Needs - car for travel to the markets, farming equipment, cooking equipment for production.
Vision - to ignite new opportunities through fine tuning the operations on an organic farm to establish a non violence, natural law, sustainable way of life for, a new template for communities that incorporates ideas for the new Earth.